13th District 2025 Constituent Museum Pass Reservation Form
13th District Constituents have the opportunity to take advantage of FREE General Admission to following museums:
Adler Planetarium
Chicago Academy of Sciences / Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
Chicago Botanic Gardens
Chicago Children's Museum
Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center
Lincoln Park Zoo (always free, no museum pass needed)
Museum of Contemporary Art
Museum of Science and Industry
National Museum of Mexican Art (always free, no museum pass needed)
National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture (always free, no museum pass needed)
The Art Institute of Chicago
DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center
The Field Museum
John G. Shedd Aquarium ($5 transactional fee needed)​​
After the form is reviewed by our team, you will receive an email back with a signed letter and resource card required for entry. If you have any questions, or need assistance registering, please email Community Outreach Liaison Zoe (zoe@rephoanhuynh.com) with "Museum Pass" in the subject.
*** Please fill out form fields from top to bottom to ensure that there are no errors in your submission.***
Reminder: please SELECT TO CONFIRM your address from the dropdown menu below after inpuuting your address.
We're sorry, but it appears you may not be a constituent of the 13th District.
Pass holder must live in the 13th District.
If you believe this is an error, please proceed with the form.
Reminder: Number of Adults + Number of Children should add up to equal your group total.
​— Please complete and confirm all information before submisson —
Thank you! Your museum pass request will be processed promptly.